COntact illeso

Super security for your documents

A quick note on our security measures

1 minute read

Secure from the roots up

Think of a tree. The trunk is solid, roots embedded deep into the ground, allowing the branches to grow long and reach out, it's leaves allowed to blossom and flourish. You are the leaves, illeso is the trunk and branches, Helastel are the roots.

Together we are solid.

Illeso is powered and supported by the Intelastel application composition platform, created by Bristol-based software company Helastel.

Security is paramount, which is why Helastel is ISO27001 certified for Information Systems Management, and why Intelastel has been designed with the latest security practices in mind, with all data encrypted at rest. 

User permissions and authorisations are customisable, meaning that only the people who are allowed to access the data are able to do so. Data is fully encrypted when stored, and all sharing is managed in accordance with defined permissions. 

Getting started

To get started with your Illeso app, contact us with a quick message or by using our Zendesk chat support feature. We’ll discuss your specific needs before setting you up on the system, ensuring the application is tailored in line with your requirements.

Did you know?

Creators of Intelastel, Helastel, are a government approved digital marketplace supplier.